Saturday 21 November 2015

A belated armistice post.  & almost a week after 13/11/2015.  A day of tragedy for the world not just our European neighbours.  The reaction from that has been predictable & will only escalate the troubles.
So lets think about the real victims of war.
The innocent civilians who have lost their homes livelihoods & in many tens of thousands of cases their lives.
Lets spread peace & hope, just like tiny poppy seeds simple thoughts & gestures can grow into something beautiful.


  1. I agree 100%. I've been looking at your photos and I'm very impressed. How can I subscribe?

    1. I think blogspot has an e-mail alert you can subscribe to but I haven't a clue.
      I follow a lot of blogs using the wordpress reader. I just type in the web addresses of sites I follow & it automatically notifies me of new posts.
      Sure Blogspot do something similar.
      Thanks for your kind words. :o)

    2. I've just noticed at the bottom of each post there's a subscribe button.
      Shows how organised I am. Can't even encourage subscribers to my blog. :o)
